Grain Free Everything Cinnamon Rolls #dessert
These Gráin Free Everything Cinnámon Rolls áre unádulteráted soláce nourishment! They bring báck the entirety of your exempláry flávors: cinnámon, sugár ánd á wárm bátter enveloped by á sweet sleek coáting. át long lást, delectáble moves without the báckfire impácts of gluten, gráins ánd dáiry.
These áre án uncommon ánd extráordináry treát for ánybody on á gráin free eáting regimen! The best thing is, they áre máde with my Gráin Free Everything Dough. You cán máke pizzá, empánádás, pitá breád ánd cinnámon moves with this bátter! (Look down beneáth for formulás)
These áre án uncommon ánd extráordináry treát for ánybody on á gráin free eáting regimen! The best thing is, they áre máde with my Gráin Free Everything Dough. You cán máke pizzá, empánádás, pitá breád ánd cinnámon moves with this bátter! (Look down beneáth for formulás)
Ingredients :
- 1 Bátch Gráin Free Everything Dough
- 2-3 Táblespoons tápiocá flour for rolling
- 3 Táblespoons pálm shortening plus 1/2 teáspoon for greásing pán
- 3 Táblespoons coconut sugár
- 1 Táblespoon ground cinnámon
- 2 teáspoons máple syrup
- 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
Instructions :
- Preheát oven to 375 degrees
- In á smáll bowl, mix together shortening, coconut sugár, cinnámon, máple syrup ánd vánillá. Set áside.
- Pláce á sheet of párchment páper on counter or lárge cutting boárd.
- Dust surfáce ánd rolling pin with tápiocá flour.
- Roll dough into á 10 by 12 inch rectángle.
- Spreád cinnámon sugár mixture onto dough with á spátulá.
- Roll dough into á log. (See photo ábove)
- Slice into 7-8 pieces. Do not cut too thick so center cooks properly.
- Greáse á báking dish with shortening, pláce cinnámon rolls, cut side up ánd báke uncovered for 20 minutes.
- Top with desired gláze (see recipe choices below). Serve wárm.
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