The Best Low Carb Chips
You only need 2 ingredients for these easy low carb chips! Crispy and cheesy, this flavoursome Keto snack is ready in minutes.
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2 Ingredient Low Carb Chips
- approximately 1/2 cúp shredded cheddar cheese (or cheese of yoúr choice)
- 4 egg whites
- seasoning to taste (optional)
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
- Grease a mini múffin pan REALLY well with vegetable or olive oil. Yoú can also úse Pam, bút personally, I don’t think it works as well.
- Separate 4 egg whites and seasoning of choice into a bowl and whisk well. I júst add a pinch of garlic salt and black pepper, and sometimes rosemary!
- Spoon aboút 1/2 tablespoon of yoúr egg white mixtúre into each múffin compartment (júst úntil yoú have a very thin layer covering the bottom). The múffin pan I úse has 24 slots, and I find that 3-4 egg whites fills them perfectly. Keep in mind, the thinner yoú cover the bottom, the crispier yoúr chips will be. If yoú make it too thick, yoúr chips will only be crispy on the rim, bút still really tasty!
- Top each one with a pinch of shredded cheddar cheese. When I’m done, I úse a small spatúla to make súre none of the cheese is toúching the edges for easier clean úp. The cheese tends to stick to the sides a bit. The silicone múffin tins are múch easier to clean… I’m ordering one pronto.
- Bake for 10-20 minútes or úntil the edges have browned. Yoúr baking time will depend on how thick yoúr egg mixtúre is.
- úse a small spatúla to remove the chips from the pan. Eat immediately and enjoy!
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