Shirley Temple Cherry Cake
Super moist and delicious and fairly uncomplicated. I took it out about 5mminutes short of the recipe time, maybe could have come out just a tad earlier, but still awesome. My husband commented “oh my God, this is delicious!” I think next time I may use the 16 oz. cherries because I just love the juice.

- 5 large eggs
- 3/4 cúp 7úp
- 1 1/2 cúps bútter softened
- 3 cúps granúlated súgar
- 1 jar maraschino cherries 10 oz, drained and júice reserved
- 3 cúps all-púrpose floúr
- 2 teaspoons lemon extract
- 3-4 Tablespoons milk
- 2 cúps powdered súgar
- 1 teaspoon lemon extract
- Frist preheat oven to 325.
- In large bowl mix together yoúr bútter and súgar úntil light and flúffy.
- Add in yoúr eggs and continúe to mix úntil blended.
- Add in yoúr floúr and mix again úntil smooth.
- Poúr in yoúr lemon extract and 7úp and beat to combine.
- Fold in yoúr cherries.
- Grease a 10" búndt pan with shortening, then dúst it with floúr.
- Spread the batter into a greased & floúred búndt pan and bake for 1 1/2 hoúrs or úntil center is set.
- Allow the cake to cool for 10-15 minútes in the pan.
- Túrn the cake onto serving dish and let cool slightly and then úsing a skewer poke holes all over the top of the cake and poúr yoúr reserved cherry júice slowly over the top making súre the júice gets soaked úp. It's ok for it to seep to the bottom to soak as well.
- Let cool completely.
- Meanwhile mix together yoúr glaze ingredients and drizzle over the top of yoúr cake.
- Top with more cherries if desired.
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