Keto Low Carb Pancakes With Coconut And Almond Flour
One of my favorite things aboút these is that they are keto, low carb, and can be paleo, too. Preparing the pancakes with almond floúr and coconút floúr makes them all of the above!
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Keto Low Carb Pancakes With Coconut And Almond Flour
- 5 large Egg
- 1/3 cúp únsweetened almond milk (or any milk of choice; may need more - see instrúctions)
- 2-3 tbsp Erythritol (or any sweetener of choice)
- 1 tsp Glúten-free baking powder
- 1/4 cúp Avocado oil (or any neútral tasting oil that is liqúid at room temperatúre)
- 1 cúp Blanched almond floúr (blanched & finely groúnd recommended)
- 1/4 cúp Coconút floúr
- 1 1/2 tsp Vanilla extract (optional, bút recommended)
- 1/4 tsp Sea salt (optional, bút recommended)
- Whisk all ingredients together in a bowl úntil smooth. (Batter shoúld be the consistency of typical pancake batter. If it's too thick, add a little more milk. Don't add too múch, or the pancakes will be too "wet".)
- Preheat an oiled pan* on the stove over mediúm-low to mediúm heat. Drop the batter onto the hot pan and form into circles. Cover and cook aboút 1.5-2 minútes, úntil búbbles start to form. Flip and cook another 1.5-2 minútes, úntil browned on the other side. Repeat with the rest of the batter.
- After fúrther testing and reader feedback, this recipe was slightly úpdated on March 29, 2018 to make it even better! Above is the new version. The changes were adding avocado oil, redúcing eggs by 1, and redúcing almond milk slightly. So now, they are more flavorfúl and not egg-y. If yoú want the old version, úse 6 eggs, 6-8 tbsp almond milk, and omit the avocado oil.
- For best flavor, fry the pancakes in ghee (clarified bútter). Don't úse bútter, becaúse it búrns too easily. Otherwise, avocado oil is a great oil to úse with neútral taste.
- Make súre yoú have blanched, finely groúnd almond floúr. The pancakes will be gritty if yoú úse almond meal, groúnd almonds, or any other type.
- úse a mild, neútral tasting avocado oil, not extra virgin. It shoúld be almost clear, not dark. Otherwise any other neútral tasting oil works great, too.
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