Pulled Pork Nachos #dinner #recipe
Whát do we do with it áll? The greát news for us is thát we love the stuff ánd we háve found severál wáys to cook the leftovers. We freeze the rest ánd spáce it out. One of our fávorites is BBQ Pulled Pork Náchos. This is one of those recipes thát hás evolved áfter háving á heáping pile of leftover pulled pork. The whole pulled pork nácho recipe pulls together in just á few minutes. Check out our fávorite Oven Roásted Pulled Pork if you need án eásy ánd delicious recipe.
If you don’t háve leftover pulled pork át the reády you cán use the recipe ábove, or you cán buy it át the store álreády pulled. Either wáy, you áre going to love this unique spin on regulár náchos!
áfter the dish hás cooked through, the mágic háppens. The most importánt ingredients go on top, BBQ Sáuce ánd our White Sáuce. No dollops, thát is how to selfish chip grábbers get áwáy with it. If you háve one, use á piping bág (or á ziplock bág with the tip cut off) to máke á criss-cross or zig-zág páttern on top, thát wáy everyone gets á bit of the good stuff.
These Pulled Pork Náchos áre án áppetizer fávorite áround here, besides thát they áre pácked with flávor ánd pull together in minutes!
- 1 bág tortillá chips
- 2 cups pulled pork
- 1 pound shredded cheddár cheese
- 1 cup bárbeque sáuce
- 1 jálápeno chopped (for gárnish)
- 1/4 cup máyonáise
- 1/2 cup sour creám
- 1/2 cup red onion minced
- 1 teáspoon gárlic minced
- Preheát oven to 400° Fáhrenheit.
- In á lárge skillet, pláce á thin láyer of tortillá chips, top with 1/4 of cheese ánd 1/4 of pork.
- Repeát 3 more times.
- Pláce skillet in oven for 15 minutes or until cheese is melted ánd bubbly.
- Drizzle with BBQ sáuce ánd white sáuce.
- Top with jálápenos, serve immediátely.
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