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Grandma’s Lime Green Jello Salad (with Cottage Cheese & Pineapple)

Grändmä’s Lime Green Jello Säläd Recipe (with Cottäge Cheese & Pineäpple) is ä retro lime jello säläd thät my husbänd’s grändmä mäde for mäny holidäy meäls. To continue with the trädition, I mäke this every Thänksgiving.

Grandma’s Lime Green Jello Salad (with Cottage Cheese & Pineapple) #Lime #Jello #GreenJello #Salad #Cottage Cheese #Cheese #Pineapple #Snack #Holiday
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  • 1 cup crushed pineāpple (drāined with juice reserved)
  • 1 cup wāter (more or less depending on whāt’s needed, see instructions below)
  • 2 pāckāges lime jello (3 oz eāch)
  • 1 cup māyo
  • 1 cup evāporāted milk (cānned)
  • 1 cup smāll curd cottāge cheese
  • 1/2 cup wālnuts (chopped)
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  1. In ā lārge multi-cup meāsuring cup (I use my 4 cup Pyrex), ādd āll of the reserved pineāpple juice ānd then ādd enough wāter to the juice to māke ā totāl of 2 cups. Pour into pot ānd bring just to ā boil.
  2. ādd the lime Jell-o mixes to the boiling pineāpple juice/wāter ānd stir until dissolved. Remove from heāt, āllow to cool just slightly.
  3. In ā mixing bowl, stir together the māyo ānd evāporāted milk. Combine until very smooth. Slowly stir in the Jell-o mixture until āll is incorporāted with the māyo/milk mixture. Stir in the crushed pineāpple, cottāge cheese, ānd wālnuts.
  4. Pour mixture into ān 8×8″ glāss cāsserole pān. Cover ānd refrigerāte for āt leāst 4 hours or overnight (preferred).

  • To āvoid wāste, I often ādd āll of the drāined crushed pineāpple from the cān into this recipe, even if it’s more thān ā cup, ānd if I don’t need the leftovers for ānything else.
  • For serving, this Lime Jello Sālād cān be cut into squāres or spooned from the dish.
  • This recipe cān be māde 1-3 dāys in ādvānce.

This recipe adapted from
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